6 syndromes that have city names

  Geography, it is above all a way of putting names on the space history to be able to find it easily.  Because if we said things like ...


Geography, it is above all a way of putting names on the space history to be able to find it easily. Because if we said things like "uhh well we find ourselves there, you know, to the place with the stuff, there" and well, it would be hard to find for real. So that when we put names on things, and well, it is more simple. And in addition, it allows you to identify syndromes in the most often psychological by giving them a local anchorage. And the circuit court, it is important to save the planet, eh.

1. The Stockholm syndrome

Without a doubt, the most famous of all. It consists of a person held hostage, to fraternise with his kidnapper and to experience empathy or even compassion for him. Why is it called like that ? Because the researcher who has theorized was Swedish, just. And for example, I could take you hostage here by telling you a story without any interest for hours as you would feel obliged to read to the end for fear of missing something, and you would have infinite compassion for me, probably. It would be nice. Then, we could go have a drink cacolac.

2. The syndrome of Lima

Imagine that this syndrome is less well known is the exact opposite of the Stockholm syndrome : it is for a kidnapper, to experience all of a sudden a form of brotherhood and empathy for the hostage he holds in respect. The choice of Lima is related to the behavior (yep) of the hostage-takers, members of the organization of the guerrilla Tupac Amaru during the occupation of the embassy of Japan, in 1996 : the hostage takers have released several of their hostages quickly, including the most valuable, by humanism. They are not able to shoot down those who remained during the assault by the army. And as all this was happening in Lima...

3. The syndrome of Florence

Also called the Stendhal syndrome, this syndrome has been described for the first time by the author of the Red and the Black, facing to the architecture of the wonderful city of Florence and all of a sudden become a kind of vertigo of infinity in the face of the vastness of the beautiful and works of art A kind of whirlpool that are sometimes found among some tourists, particularly those travelling alone. But debates agitated the world of psychology about the reality of this syndrome which could simply be explained by fatigue of the traveller, (and it is true that making lots of small steps throughout the day in museums, it is exhausting).

Credits photo (Public Domain) : Olof Södermark

4. The syndrome of Paris

This syndrome, which involves mainly the asian community is a kind of dizziness and discomfort way disappointment when tourists are faced with the reality of what is Paris, far from the clichés that are conveyed by the story and the film.

5. The syndrome of Munchhausen

Muncchausen is a commune in the Bas-Rhin and the noble title of a baron become known because of his actions legendary. The syndrome is more directly inspired by the baron that the town (which did not inspire unfortunately not many people), and describes an absolute need to pretend to be sick in order to attract attention. The disorder may go to the person who is reaching up to self-mutilate to believe that one has to undergo operations, or to cause vomiting and diarrhea, voluntarily, all of that is to have a big hug.

6. The syndrome of Montcuq

Totally invented at the moment, the syndrome of Montcuq is to have the impression that it is absolutely necessary to have 7 points in a top rather than 6. The person who has it feels there even forced to invent a last point that has nothing to do with the schmilblick for good measure and give the impression to its editor-in-chief that he has worked hard to get to make it to the top as complete as possible. It is a very rare condition.

Merchant: https://teespring.com/karimano




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WikiFortress: 6 syndromes that have city names
6 syndromes that have city names
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