Apples are the third most popular fruit after mangoes and bananas, and they also contain many minerals and vitamins, and below we show some ...
1. Apples belong to the pink family, which includes other fruits such as: pears, almonds, apricots, cherries, peaches, berries, peaches, and others.
2. Although North America is the home of only wild apples, more than two thousand five hundred species are now cultivated.
3. Five countries produce nearly half of the world's apple tree production, which are the USA, China, Turkey, Italy and Poland.
4. It is rich in fruit sugar, but it does not cause high blood sugar because it contains a high percentage of fiber, as it is an alternative to refined sugar in many recipes.
5. Apples in all their forms, whether fresh, juice or apple cider vinegar, contain malic acid, which helps the body get rid of gallstones.
6. If you were eating one apple a day, it would take twenty years to experience seven thousand varieties growing all over the world.
7. Twenty-five percent of the volume of an apple is from the air, which makes it float on the surface when placed in the water.
8. Some studies have linked regular consumption of apples to a lower incidence of cancer, as they contain pectin and vitamin C, which maintain health and prevent cancer from developing.
great article on facts about apples